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Anyone had a pin go from top of big toe to joint for fusion?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by jamoore55, May 24, 2019.

  1. jamoore55

    jamoore55 New Member

    I am new here and I have so many questions. I had a Austin bunionectomy with a first joint of big toe fusion a week ago. The Dr. didn't know if he would have to fuse the joint until he went in to see the damage - I had zero cartilage so it was bone on bone. I woke to excruciating pain on the top of my big toe. I wasn't aware until my visit with my Dr. 3 days later that he had to fuse the joint and he showed me X-Rays with a staple on the side of the joint and the pin running all the way from the top of my toe into the joint. Has anyone else had this? He is telling me that he wants to keep it in "as long as possible." I will get my stitches out in 4 days and the foot hasn't been cleaned in 4 days. I was told not to touch it, but it looks dirty and the ointment they put on it has gelled and looks very off. Has anyone cleaned their own wounds? I am afraid of having an infection and I see so many different opinions online with both patients and Drs. Thank you in advance!

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