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Dorsal bunion a.k.a. Big Toe Arthritis a.k.a. Hallux limitus

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Barbara Lynn, Jun 16, 2017.

  1. Barbara Lynn

    Barbara Lynn New Member

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    I've been suffering with this for over 10 years now, even though I guessed what it was and it was confirmed at least 7 years ago, but no treatment was suggested other than cortizoid injections and e-stimulation therapy. I returned to a podiatrist who had helped me with plantar fasciitis 10 or 11 years ago, and he is suggesting injections (already started), oral anti-inflammatory Rx, new orthotics, a "procedure" (not fusion or implants) and a (non weight bearing) boot I will have to wear about 6 weeks. I do need to get more information about this procedure, the prep, and post-op, but was wondering where to start to get good info on my own.

    I already know that I heal slowly from surgeries. I am 60, overweight and though I keep trying to get and stay more active, relatively sedentary, with a desk type job. I am female, which does sometimes play a role in post op recoveries.

    I think that those over 40, non-athletic, and probably also female with experience of this problem, types of treatments and recovery times, time away from work if any, physiotherapy and/or exercise, use of mobility aids while in recovery, etc., etc., would be most relevant to my own case. But I welcome input from all!

  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Super Moderator

    Try a rocker sole shoe first to see if that helps.

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