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Fungal infection or no fungal infection? Negative test, what next?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Precipitation_forecast, Aug 16, 2017.

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    Hi all,

    I've been suffering with my toenails for about 5 or 6 years and they seem to be getting worse. All of them are yellow or white with many thickening, a couple are becoming U-shaped in profile. One big toe has a reoccurrent split down the centre and is detached from the nail bed.

    I have tried a number of home remedies and over the counter topical treatments over the years but nothing has had an effect and the problem has slowly got worse. Most recently I have tried tea tree oil and Vicks vapour rub.

    I few weeks ago I went to see my GP. He was confident that it was a fungal infection and order a test with a nail clipping. I phoned the surgery today for the test results and was told that it came back negative and that no further action was needed.

    So what do I do now? I'm fed up of hiding my feet, I'd like to go on holiday at some point or go swimming or find a girlfriend - but not with my toes in their current state!

    I've now made an appointment at a local podiatrists but I'm unsure if she'll be able to do anything. She's a member of the society for chiropody and podiatry.
  2. Here's a picture...

    Attached Files:

  3. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Super Moderator

    It is a fungal infection. There is a high % of false negatives from cultures.
    Get to a podiatrist and get on a plan - treatment is not a short term thing; it needs >6 months of treatment.
  4. Phoned the doctors back, turned out it was positive afterall. Got an appointment first thing tomorrow.

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