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Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by bookality, Aug 31, 2016.

  1. bookality

    bookality New Member

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    I got home yesterday and my heel was sore from my socks (the liner kind that are ultra no show) and as I was rubbing the back of my ankle I noticed a hard lump on the very top right of my heel where my Achilles tendon meets the bone. So, naturally, I started researching online and found that this is called Haglund's deformity/syndrome. Basically, my heel bone enlarged and now if it gets irritated it can cause bursitis, which would be painful.
    From what I understand this is from people wearing pumps, but I don't really wear pumps. Is it just from wearing shoes and such that rest on that spot? Or from harder shoes (canvas like Converse) that just rub on the bone there? Or could it be from the socks I wear? They fit like a ballerina sock and have tight elastic that sits right where that lump is. The back of my ankle is very slightly swollen, and it is a little red. The pain subsided after having my socks off a while.
    I know I could just go see a doctor, but I recently lost my insurance and I won't be able to get it back until after the new year, and I can't afford a specialist cash cost. I'd just like some advice so I can keep it from getting worse until I can get my insurance reinstated in January or February.
  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Super Moderator

    Any shoe that pushed on the 'lump' of haglunds is going to irritate it. You probably should wear open back shoes until it settles.

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