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Midfoot arthritis and surgery

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Joyce N, Nov 27, 2016.

  1. Joyce N

    Joyce N New Member

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    I may need to have a fusion of the first 3 metatarsals with the cuneiform joints. I want to hear about the successes and difficulties so I can weigh the pros and cons. I have had 2 consultations and I have a 3rd consultation coming up. I am 68 years old and recently retired. Thank you for any post operative accounts. I am reading as much as possible. I will most probably have some ultrasound guided injections first and also I am working to have the most supportive orthotics first. There seems to be a difference n opinions n between the Rigid orthotic and a more cushioned less rigid one. I am evaluating each type. Thank you for your input.
  2. forwills

    forwills Guest


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