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Need some help with tendonitis

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Bam, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. Bam

    Bam New Member

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    I have been suffering from feet pain for almost 8 months now. The pain originally started on my right foot arch pain. I was using a custom made orthotics. I went to podiatrist when the pain started and the podiatrist told me that my foot shape has changed and needs new pair of orthotics ( previous orthotics were four years old). He also administered cortisone shot on my foot to help with the swelling. After a week I noticed my pain moved to fifth metatarsal area. My pain became more intense. Ankle and the base of the fifth metatarsal started to swell and bruise at the base of the fifth metatarsal. The GP done two x-rays and both x-rays showed no fracture. I went back to podiatrist and the podiatrist told me it is tendonitis and it will take time to get better. I will have to rest my foot as much as I can and if I walk then I have to make sure to use custom made orthotics. I'm wondering if anyone else have had gone through this and if orthotics really help at all. And how long I can expect for the tendonitis to heal?

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  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Super Moderator

  3. Bam

    Bam New Member

    Thanks for your reply Craig, my podiatrist did say it is the perineal tendon. I will put off using the orthotics and see if that brings any comfort.

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