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Possible Nerve Damage After Ingrown Toenail Removal

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Last Tuesday I had my ingrown toenail taken out on my left big toe, both sides of the nail. It's still blotchy from bruising and the left side of my toe is still oozing. The bottom of my toe and the and left side have been numb since the procedure. Obviously, the numbing has subsided. It also stings/burns when I try to soak it in Epsom Salt. It feels like pins going in the bottom of my toe, so I'm not too sure what is necessarily going on. I've talked to other people who have had this done and say that their recovery was much different than how mine is going. Am I just reacting too early and need to give it more time? Does this sound normal? Could it be nerve damage? I just want it to heal properly with no problems.
  2. Amber

    Amber Guest

    I just had an ingrown toenail removed last Monday. It has been 7 days. I have severe numbness and tingling in my entire tell all the way to the joint. From the bottom of my toe to the top of my toe. not necessarily just the toenail but at the base of my toe where the hair grows out of your toe. I'm writing it off right now as "I hobbled around for two months barely putting pressure on that toe because it hurts so badly that now that I am actually walking on it the nerves and joints are having a lot of pressure and movement put on them to quickly". if the problem does persist I will return to the podiatrist and ask him about any type of nerve damage. As far as a toenail removal goes the only thing I had was pain about an hour or two after the numbing wore off and that was because the bandage was wrapped too tightly. other than the pain from the tight bandage I really haven't had any pain at the toenail site where they removed the toenail. My biggest complaint is the tingling and nerve pain I'm getting shooting through my toe.
  3. KatHam

    KatHam Guest

    Hi - I was wondering if you're nerve pain ever went away? I am one month out from full nail removal due to an injury. The nerve pain started as pins and needles and pain through the sore. Nowthat I am finally able to put weight on it, it's shooting nerve pain in one area.
  4. hello i was wondering more about your nerve pains, ive had my toenail fully removed a week ago and no the bottom of my toe and the ball underneath my toe really hurts when pressure is applied, its like really bad nerve pains and i cant walk on it im having to walk on the other side of my foot, i was just wondering if this s normal or not as i am very worried about whether i am meant to be experiencing this

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