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Recovery/Full healing time of metatarsals?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by NM485, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. NM485

    NM485 New Member

    Hi, I am looking to get some answers from you guys. On Oct. 26th I broke 3 metatarsals(2nd, 3rd, 4th) with displaced fractures, as well as a bone that broke off of the 1st metatarsal. I did not have any ligament damage. I had surgery on Oct. 30th to have 3 pins put in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsals. There was a screw put in the 1st metatarsal to hold in the piece of bone that broke off. On Nov. 12th, I had stitches removed from the 3 incisions on my foot. I now am waiting to get my 3 pins out on Dec. 16th(the screw in the 1st metatarsal does not come out). I'm mainly looking to hear any similar experiences and how long it took you to fully recover, when you started putting weight on your foot after pins were removed, or any other info, even if you haven't gone through this. Any info would be great. I just want to know how long It will be until I can start being active again and using my foot. Thanks!

    I am 18 years old, very active, currently taking calcium, daily vitamins, protein, and have lots of antioxidants. I'm not sure if any of these would factor into healing time.


    Here's an image.. I couldn't get it to show on here.


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