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Landed like a cat...healing like an old nag...was I diagnosed correctly?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by justermacoff, Nov 4, 2016.

  1. justermacoff

    justermacoff New Member

    • jump off ladder, to escape danger, from roughly 12-15 feet off the ground
    • landed on my feet on concrete slab, squatted and rocked forward onto hands to absorb force
    • dx is ankle sprain with heel contusion
    • xrays done only on feet, NO fractures per radiologist; no knee or hip views
    • many mornings where i have had to crawl to the restroom
    • injured end of august
    still dealing with the following issues with left lower half of body:
    • significant pain when rise from sitting position; arch at attachment point to heel bone, around the heel just above the fat pad, achilles tendon
    • pain when the foot is in use at all
    • ankle reaches a point where it does not want to bend any further when i squat
    • pain worse in AM and after periods of non-use
    • occasional pinching of bottom outside of foot just behind the bend of the pinky foot bone
    • charlies and pain on bottom of foot just below pad at base of fourth toe
    • still swells at achilles, try not to do any more than walk when mobile, maybe carry light weight items
    • pain in hip has slowly progressed to full blow sciatica, muscles of rump so tender they feel bruised, pain in thigh and knee
    I fear that with as slow as my healing is progressing that I may have been misdiagnosed. Once it was believed that there was no fracture of the calcaneous, no further possible injuries were ruled out. They gave me a hard strap on boot, restricted me and sent me home. Switched to soft ankle brace with open heel after month and no heel protection with it.

    Everything that I have read says that if there is still pain when standing on the heel contusion than there should be no weight-bearing at all. That walking on it too early can lengthen the recovery time significantly.

    Am i not healing due to the fact that I started using the foot too soon? I was following doctors recommendations.

    How do I advocate for myself properly to ensure that I am taken seriously, that all injuries are identified and treated correctly, and that I can do the necessary preventative maintenance to ensure my functionality/mobility with as little pain as possible?

    Is there particular info that i need to make sure the doctor is informed of so that a sound decision can be made? i don't feel the primary doctor is taking me seriously, but the PT doc seems to think that there is more going on than just the issues that have been identified.

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