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Right foot is Pes Cavus and supinated

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by forwill, Nov 29, 2016.

  1. forwill

    forwill New Member


    I have bilateral Pes Cavus (high arches). My right foot feels like it is more supinated. My body weight feels like it is along the lateral border of my right foot and it is causing me balance problems. My foot feels unstable. I have twisted the right ankle twice pretty badly, I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

    I also have right side back tightness. I went to a chiropractor once and he said that my Right Quadratus Lumborum is tight. I have had a tight right side for over 6 years. When I sit down and spread my legs to do a groin stretch I can easily touch my right foot with both hands. When I try to touch my left foot my right back tightness prevents me from touching my left foot. So I have limited spinal rotation to my left side.

    I am trying to get my right foot to feel more stable. I have tried orthotics but it made my right foot feel even more supinated.

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